Saturday, July 20, 2019

My Mother: Superwoman Essay -- Personal Narrative, essay about my fami

When I needed to talk, she listened. When I was ill, she healed me. When I was hungry, she fed me. This frail woman whom I call my mom was a superwoman while I was growing up. With wisdom, she guided; with tenderness, she spoke; and with love, she raised me. Although we were very poor, my mother made it a point always to give me a present on my birthday. That shiny blue bike I got for my birthday at the tender age of ten was my closest friend. But it was a sunny spring day when my comrade committed its evil treason. My bike had flung me from its metal frame as if it were a wild bronco and I were a rodeo clown. Over its handles I went, crashing to the unforgiving earth. It was at that instant that I realized two things: my pal had betrayed me, and my knee was bleeding like a b...

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