Monday, August 26, 2019

Report on court visit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Report on court visit - Essay Example It was alleged that Andrew and David had agreed the previous day; David had agreed to lend Andrew 5000 on the following day. However, they did not agree how did not agree how the said money was to be collected. The court heard that Martin arrived at David's house in the afternoon and since it was unusual visit at David home, David was convinced that he had been sent to collect the money they had agreed. Without asking Martin whether he had been sent by his father, David handled a 5000 bill to Martin to take to his father. On the side of Andrew, he said that he had about the debt from David one month from the date they had discussed about it, yet he had not received the money. He said that he was waiting for a confirmation from David on when to collect the money and since he never heard from him, he thought may be he was not willing to lend him the money. It was held that even though, a father is not liable for the torts committed by his children unless he authorised the tort or if the tort was accessioned by his negligence. For this case, there was no evidence that Martin had been sent by his father to collect the money from David.

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